ACT and SAT Information

SAT Prep Course!
Get the scores you need to get accepted into the colleges of your choice & to get those scholarships!  MOSI of Tampa is offering an excellent SAT Prep Course on Sundays, beginning January 12, 2014 & running for 6 weeks.  The cost is $530; MOSI members' cost is $399 which includes all 6 sessions taught by a certified Florida teacher & the required textbook.  Your return on this investment could be thousands of dollars in scholarship money!  For more details: refer to the flyer that you were given at school, see the Guidance Counselor, or go to

ACT or SAT - what's the difference? Do I need to take both?

This question comes up quite frequently when I speak with students. Many times students will perform poorly on one test but then perform well on the other. That's why it's a good idea to take both. Typically colleges will look only at your highest scoring test, so don't worry if you bomb one and do really well on the other.

Here is are some links that will explain the differences between the tests to you:

What are the test dates for the ACT and SAT? How do I go about registering?

If you have not received test information from me yet or if you misplaced the packet that was given at the beginning of the school year, please drop by my office and I will give you a new packet. You may register online or by mail. Links to the registration pages you need and the test dates are located below:

ACT Test Dates
Register for the ACT
Our school code for the ACT is 101630.

SAT Test Dates
Register for the SAT
Our school code for the SAT is 101630.

Because our school is not accredited, do I have to do anything different when applying to colleges?

It depends on the college. The University of Florida requires additional college testing for students graduating from unaccredited schools, as does the University of South Florida. You should contact a college admissions counselor and ask if they have any additional requirements for students who come from unaccredited schools. If colleges do have additional requirements, those requirements usually mean taking the subject area test of the SAT. For more information on subject area testing, please click here.