Colleges and Universities

Here are some links to some universities and colleges in the state of Florida you can explore. The links should take you directly to the college's webpage. It's very important to know what your college choices expect of you prior to applying, so be sure to research your choices carefully. This list is by no means exhaustive. If you'd like to see a more than what is offered here, please stop by my office and ask to see the Peterson's Guide to Four Year Colleges. As always, I'm available to help you navigate this process. Come by and see me with your questions at anytime.

Christian Universities and Colleges:

Trinity College
Southeastern University
Clearwater Christian College
The Baptist College of Florida
St. Leo University

Public, State Universities and Colleges:

University of South Florida
University of Florida
University of Central Florida
Florida State University
Florida Atlantic University
New College of Florida
St. Petersburg College
Univsersity of Miami

Private Universities and Colleges:

Eckerd College
Florida Southern College
Nova Southeastern University
Stetson University
University of Tampa

Also, check out  website for private colleges & universities in Florida.  The hard copy book is in the Guidance Office department.