Information for Middle Schoolers

Just because you aren't in high school yet doesn't mean you shouldn't start thinking about your future or about your attitude toward school. Think of middle school as training ground for high school. Do you take time to study for tests? Are you turning in your assignments on time? Are you doing your best to pay attention in your classes and work your hardest for your teachers? God has given each of you the capacity to learn. He expects you to work your hardest to achieve the calling He has on your life. Developing good habits now is crucial to your success in high school.

Here are some tips to help get you on the right track for success:

  • In middle school, if your grades are high enough and you have demonstrated good study habits, you may be offered the opportunity to take some high-school level courses (for example, Algebra 1 or a foreign language). These courses will count for high school graduation and for college admission consideration.
  • This is a time to begin thinking about what type of extracurricular activities you might wish to pursue in high school. What are your interests and skills? How you spend your non-academic time can be an important consideration in deciding what you will do in the future.
  • What are your favorite subjects? This is a time to start thinking about matching your academic talents with a possible college major and eventual career discipline.
  • Involve your family. Share with them your hopes and dreams. Parents, guardians, and siblings all can help you and offer advice on staying on the right path.
These tips were adapted from the University of Florida's advice to 7th and 8th graders.